Monday, June 3, 2013

Weeks 19 & 20

Week 19: May 19th– May 25th : Baby is the size of……A CANTELOUPE

To say we were excited to find out about our little girl would be an understatement. When the ultrasound tech revealed the gender to us I cried immediately. I think this would have been my reaction regardless of the sex but it was just such an overwhelming feeling of love and joy to know part of the identity of our little nugget. I believe the first words out of Chris’s mouth were “Well, it looks like I need to go and buy a gun”. The look of love and excitement on his face was priceless and all he talks about now is “his princess”. If I was a manipulative person I could probably get him to do anything I wanted right now if I just told him “princess” wanted him to do it haha…….that doesn’t mean I won’t work that to my advantage in the future!

How far along: 19 weeks
Total weight gain: about 9 lbs so far
Stretch marks: nothing to report…..lets hope it stays that way
Sleep: Some nights are great and a few have been restless
Miss anything? Not missing much other than some of my clothes
Movement: Lots and lots….and its still my favourite feeling in the world!
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Nada
Have you started to show? YES! People are starting to notice and ask me about the babe
Gender prediction: No more predicting, there is definitely a little lady in thereJ
Belly button in or out? Still in but shallow
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody:  Beyond happy to know our little miss is healthy in there
Looking forward to? Decorating the nursery and shopping for our little girl!

Week 20: May 26th– June 1st : Baby is the size of……A LARGE BANANA

Week 20 was another great week! For the last 4 weeks I have been struggling with some pretty bad rib pain on my right side. Chris has been treating me and I have been trying to stay as active as possible and it seems to be working. I was terrified I would be stuck with this for my entire pregnancy because it was making me feel pretty crummy. I don’t know if it is Chris’s magic hands or if whatever was stretching has finally stretched but I’m just so thankful to be feeling a bit better. Considering this has been my only real pregnancy complaint I probably should not even whine, but oh well, it’s going away and I’m THRILLED.

On Tuesday night Ashley, Kyle and Lawson Lieske came over for dinner. Lawson is only 5 weeks old and is such a good baby. He came over wearing a special shirt for his new girlfriend that said “Hey Baby, your crib or mine?”.  Guess who didn’t think that was funny? It is absolutely adorable how protective Chris is over his little princess already. You can just see the overprotective father emerging from him, which I get a huge kick out of and secretly think is the most adorable thing ever.

In other news, one of my teaching assistants asked me if I was pregnant this week. My response was “yes, otherwise I would be concerned with this big belly I’m growing” to which he replied “For the last couple of weeks I was just thinking you had stopped working out!” How great eh! We had a good laugh after and agreed that asking a woman that question might be the most dangerous and risky question on earth haha.

The rest of the week was crazy busy with work as usual but we ended the 20th week by spending the day in Chestemere by the lake. It was a gorgeous day. The boys spent the day fishing while Ashley, Lawson and I relaxed on the dock and soaked up some rays. That’s what I call relaxing! You also can’t beat the view out there either J

The lake with a nice Rocky view in the back ground
Do you think the boys had fun? Apparently they are all in a summer long fishing derby competition now
Mr. Lawson
Happy 3rd birthday to this handsome little man! 

How far along: 20 weeks   
Total weight gain: I’m still thinking around 10 lbs
Stretch marks: none to report. PHEW!
Sleep: Sleeping great until about 5 am when little Miss Kaiser thinks it is time for a dance party…..It’s the only reason I’ve ever been happy to wake up at 5 am.
Miss anything? My family. It was Kai’s 3rd birthday on Saturday and my parents went to Cayman on Sunday. I wish we could be there with themL
Movement: lots and lots
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope feeling great especially now that my rib pain seems to be calming down
Have you started to show? Definitely showing. I am in a water running class on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and try to swim Tuesdays and Thursdays at lunch hour and it is definitely funny to see yourself pregnant in a bathing suit. Some of the looks I get at the pool are also adorable
Gender prediction: Let’s just get rid of that predictions since we know we have a little miss……..and cross our fingers that our US tech was good at her job;)
Belly button in or out? Shallow but still in
Wedding rings on or off? On, but I’m definitely noticing the feel tight to get on in the am’s
Happy or Moody: Happy, happy, happy!
Looking forward to? Seeing my parents in a month

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