Friday, July 27, 2012

One very busy summer.....part 1

This spring and summer has been nuts for the Kaiser's. Not only was I working non-stop to finish up my PhD, Chris was working like mad and all we seemed to do was travel. Starting in May Chris and I flew to Calgary for job interviews. Following the visit I was offered a great job at the University of Calgary and Chris got all set up with a dream position starting his own clinic. We are both do excited to be starting this new adventure and moving to Calgary!!! So we are officially going to be Alberta bound on August 13th!

After Calgary we drove up to Atlanta to visit the Nocera's in their new digs. We miss having these guys in Gainesville with us so much so it was great to see them and catch up:) We had a lot of fun sight seeing, eating yummy food and going to a braves games.
Brave's game.....Nicky is about to pop!

The vortex. The boys choice from Man vs Food

Out for a great dinner downtown Atlanta

Following that trip I flew to San Francisco for a conference. It was a short lived trip but I managed to squeeze in some sight seeing.

Sea lions that looked like Moose

Fisherman's wharf

On a full house street car. Definitely the highlight of my trip!

After returning from that trip it was time to buckle down even harder and get ready for my PhD defense on June 19. It was pretty intense year leading up to this day. The defense went really well and I was very happy an relieve following. I had a room full of great friends and a lot of support so that made things easier. Most importantly, I couldn't have done it without my hubs. He was so supportive and definitely kept me sane. Without him I probably would have eaten popcorn for dinner every night and been living in a mess.

Here are some pics post defense:)

with Kimmy immediately post-defense!
My #1 fan and support system.....aka best hubs ever!