Monday, December 13, 2010

Ugly Sweaters For All and To All a Good Night.........

Our first family Christmas Card???

Every year Chris and I host an "Ugly Christmas Sweater Party". This year was our third annual and definitely a great one.  All of our friends who were free to come showed up in the ugliest Christmas swag they could find. Chris also made his infamous "Kaismas Punch"......the punch this year proved too much for some of us aginig individuals......the party was over well before midnight. I'm sure Chris measures this as his success for another great holiday party. Here are a few pics from the festivities
Moose is embarrassed

Dani and Shenzi's Christmas card

I swear Moose loves me even though it looks like I'm strangling him.

Jess's great outfit

The ladies

Moose even tried my vest on:)

Finally the Host.......

I love nothing more than having our friends and family visit us in Florida. I always love to show people our world and how we live. I think one of the hardest things for the people we leave back home is not knowing how our lives are and what kind of environment we live in. In November, Chris, Moose and I had VERY special guests. My Aunt Linda and Uncle Doug. My Aunt Linda and Uncle Doug have been two of the most influential people in my life and I am so fortunate for that. They have literally shown me the world and opened my eyes to so many different countries and cultures. I will forever blame them for my travel bug:) They have taken me to places I never could have dreamed have seeing......literally the corners of the earth!

It was great pleasure that I could finally get to expose them to our world. After living overseas for decades (literally) one of my Uncle Doug's biggest dreams was to go to an NCAA football game. What better than to go to a Gator game right!!! Well luck was on our side the day we picked up our tickets because they were literally the best we've gotten in all the years we have been here. FIRST ROW......behind the goal post. My Uncle Doug was like a little kid on Christmas and nothing could have made me happier than to feel like I've finally given him a great life experience in return for all he has done for me:)
The gang in first row:)
 Please excuse Chris's dirty mustache......he was growing it for movember, to raise money for prostate cancer. His team raised over $8,000 so he is off the hook for scratching my face for a month!
not a bad view for a game in a stadium that holds 92.000 people

Aunt Lin even got to meet Alberta:)

Tracks Made in DC......

I know it has been WAY too long since my last post so get ready to get a lot of updates at once:)

 Chris and I got away on a little vacay......our first in many years in fact. Living far away from home, family and friends means that most of the time our "vacation" time is spent visiting our fave people. This trip was much the same, as we were visiting friends, however, it was a very refreshing 4 days away from home because we got to experience so many great things. Our travels took us to Washington DC. DC has been a place I have wanted to visit for the spectacular views and monuments for a long time. Especially since living in Florida and hearing about everyone rave about it! So what better excuse than to visit two of Chris's greatest friends! This trip was spectacular and certainly made me appreciate all the sacrifices that American's have made that have given us so many wonderful opportunities. Although I will always be a true Canadian at heart, the past few years have certainly made me appreciate our neighbour's to the south!

One of the first things we did in DC was go to the Holocaust Museum. I've always been a big reader/watcher of holocaust history so everyone's warnings to me about how disturbing this museum was fell on deaf ears. Boy was I wrong about how affected I would be by this museum. Not only is it a great experience it is also much more disturbing than I ever would imagine. About an hour and half into the tour there was a room full of shoes from people who had perished in the concentration camps. The smell was enough to turn my stomach and I started getting woozy......this is not something that happens to me so I didn't know what to make of it. The next stretch of the tour was the portion that discussed all of the children that were killed in the camps. This is where I finally called it quits and begged for some fresh air. I think this quote on the wall outside of the museum does an adequate job of summarizing the devestation that was felt by this war.
Holocaust Museum Plaque
 Now onto the "brighter" side of things......This trip was exceptionally special for Chris. Unfortunately, he lives much further away from home than I do and with his parents living in Texas temporarily he doesn't get to see his friends very much. Being able to go to DC to visit Paul and Mike was such a special treat for him and we really did have the greatest time with them both.
Chris and Paul
Washington Monument.......much bigger than I anticipated!

WW II Monument

Mr. Kaiser and I at the WW II Monument

Soldiers outside the Lincoln Monument


The roof of the Lincoln monument was one of my faves.......go figure!!

Korean War Memorial.........I took this picture not only for the monument but also because I've missed the changing colour of the leaves over the past few years!

Lincoln Monument
 Of course, since we were in DC we had to go and see Mike play for the Caps that night. One of our favorite teams!!!! We have seen Mike play multiple times in Tampa but this was a special treat because we got to be back in a true "hockey town" and be amongst the roaring crowd! Mike is definitely a fan favorite there too so it made the experience that much more fun.......especially since he won player of the game:) Woo Hoo GO MIKE!!!
This is Chris's dream child......this baby literally cheered the WHOLE game! So adorable!!!

who's this guy????

Out for dinner after the game

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Body guards at Obama's house
All in all this was such a great trip. It was refreshing and amazing to see so many great new things. Trips like this just make me so excited for Chris and I to start our lives together, keep travelling, and getting to know one another's friends whom we adore so much!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Double the Kaiser fun.....

The Kaiser Brothers

Last week we had double the Kaiser's in our house......for those who know the Kaiser men can sympathize with what a handful that is haha of course I'm kidding. Darcy and Amanda came to visit for a whole week and it was a total blast. There are two big Kaiser weddings this summer, poor Mamma Kais. It was a tonne of fun having Amanda here so we could have lots and lots of wedding talk.
Over the weekend we made a trip to St. Augustine which is the oldest city in the US.....Canada still gets credit for the oldest city (Quebec City) in North America:)

 The sights in St. Augustine are a must see if ever travelling to North Florida. The amount of history is incredible not to mention all the great candy shops, bakeries and restaurants. All in all it was a great week to catch up and get re-aquainted to my future brother and sister-in-law:)
falling into the moat
 As you can see life in the sunshine state is still a blast and there is never a dull moment......until the next adventure, stay tuned.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A much needed facelift.......

Between my constant ramble about my sewing ideas and  how I want to redecorate/improve our apartment I might drive Chris nuts. We have been thinking about throwing out this old dingey storage ottoman for a while because, well, its old and dingey. That was until my dear friend Melissa Hare's blog  inspired me to re-surface it.  Here is the link to her blog entry:

and the final product

a great improvement if I do say so myself:)

Monday, November 1, 2010

The breakfast club.....

Happy Halloween!!! This weekend we had a blast with halloween. Some may think we are a little over the top with our puppies around here but we decided to celebrate halloween by taking the pups to a costume contest:)

The theme of the puppies costumes was the breakfast club. Our inspiration for this idea was of course, Moose and his best friend Shenzi "Z". These two are absolutely inseperable and totally in love with one another. They walk together and play daily following eachother around like little shadows. So a natural nickname for them would be "peas and carrots".

For example:

We decided to try and be clever and dress them up like bacon and eggs. We also had to invite their little friend Bear to join so the obvious choice for him was toast. Here are a few pictures of the final product on the big day.

Z was a total trooper to even wear an egg hat!

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All in all this was a very fun sewing project for me and relatively simple. We were all very happy with the final product. It was extra exciting becuase the bacon, eggs and toast actually won the costume contest for having the best themed costumes:) Not a bad pay off for a few hours worth of sewing and some really cute puppies

Family shot

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Homecoming, Cowboys and Sewing club

Again, life in Gainesville was VERY busy this weekend. We had a long weekend, which you think would be relaxing but not for us! Friday was our day off to kick off the homecoming weekend. We started our day off with the Gator Gallop, a 2 mile race down University avenue. It's a tonne of fun because people line the street waiting for the parade to start as we run by. This year over 100,000 people were lining the road. It was a great time, especially because I convinced Chris to run with me......a HUGE accomplishmen, he's not really the running type:)

A view of the street while running
The running gang

After the run we watched a bit of the parade which was entertaining. I can't believe the lengths people go to around here to show their gator pride. It sure does make this city a fun place to live and there is definitely never a dull moment. Here are a few pictures from the parade and what you can expect in the Gator Nation over homecoming weekend.
puppy parade

It was also our very special friend Nicky's birthday last week so we celebrated with her on Friday night in style. At Nicky's request we all put on our cowboy boots and went to 8 seconds (the cowboy bar). Here is a picture of the birthday cowgirl and her gang.

The Bday girl!

Her Cowboy Joe
This was an amazing night and everyone had an absolute blast!!!! The boys even rode the mechanical bull.

We all had a great time and danced the night away. Jaimie was the biggest trooper of the night. The poor girl was hit by a truck last week while riding her bike, but she's a tough one. She still pulled on her one cowboy boot and joined in on the dance floor

All in all Nicky's bday ended up being one of the greatest nights!!!!!

Next on the agenda was for Kimmy and I to have our inaugural meeting of our sewing club. This meeting started out very well........with a lot of humming and hawing......for those that know Kimmy know how thoroughly she likes to think things through hahaha.

Eventually sewing club turned a turn on us and started to get pretty frustrating.....that is why you see the two glasses of wine in the picture above;) After some time of learning about/fighting with our new machines these were the final, slightly altered products

As you can see Kim's clutch turned out darling and my bag/satchel/sewing supply holder came out in questionable form........oh well, we are all learning:) Hopefully we will be able to produce something brag worthy at some point!